How do I register a student?
Students need to update their registration online every year. You can find all of the information for registering in FWISD here.
What are the school's hours?
The school day begins at 7:50 and ends at 3:20.
Any student coming in after 8:00 needs to sign in and get a tardy pass before heading to class.
Breakfast is served from 7:40-8:00, so late students may not be able to get breakfast.
Dismissal will begin promptly at 3:20.
Please help your students arrive on time so they do not miss out on instruction!
What do students wear to school?
Atwood McDonald students follow the FWISD dress code.
Fridays are Spirit Days and students may purchase a school shirt to wear on these days or wear purple and white.
Other days of the year will be designated for different dress up themes. Watch Class Dojo and take home folders for more information on these days.
Close-toed shoes with a back are strongly recommended for safety and ability to participate in PE and recess.
How do I pay for things at school?
If you need to pay for items at school such as t-shirts, recorders (for music class), fees for lost/damaged technology, books, or other materials, you will do that through SchoolCash Online. You can register for your free account here.
Do students get breakfast and lunch?
All of our students are able to get FREE breakfast and lunch each day!
Breakfast is served from 7:40-8:00 each morning, so make sure students arrive on time.
Lunches are served by grade level from 10:00-1:30.
Lunch times:
Pre-K/ECSE 10:00
Kinder 10:30
1st/RISE-Pegues 11:00
2nd/RISE-Lewis 11:30
3rd 12:00
4th 12:30
5th 1:00
Can I eat lunch with my student?
Relatives are invited to come have lunch with their scholars on the first Friday of each month. Please read below about Family Fridays for more information.
Are birthday celebrations allowed at school?
We love to celebrate our students at Atwood McDonald! You are welcome to bring a treat for your student, and their class if you choose, at lunch time on the first Friday of the month of their birthday. You can confirm class counts with the teacher. No classroom birthday celebrations will be allowed outside of lunch on the first Friday of each month. Read below for more information on Family Fridays.
What are Family Fridays?
The first Friday of each month is Family Friday at Atwood McDonald. You are welcome to come have lunch with your student and celebrate birthdays and other special events on these days. You may purchase a school lunch or bring in food for you and your student. Please confirm your child's lunch time with the teacher and be sure to sign in and get a badge before heading to the cafeteria. Watch Class Dojo and check take home folders for more information on these Fun Family Fridays. The dates for this year's Family Fridays are below.